
Healthy Health Care Debate

When I initiated this blog approximately three years ago I called it "Healthy Health Care Debate." After Congress passed legislation to put it into action, I changed the focus and dropped the word "Debate." I had hoped to initiate effective communication about the quality of healthcare in the US today and how we can improve it.

In January of this year, The Atlantic became one of many publications to report on how the quality and cost of US healthcare compares to that of other countries with "New Health Rankings: Of 17 Nations, U.S. Is Dead Last," by Grace Rubenstein. Serious debate was born,--about how we might improve the quality and the price of US healthcare--not whether we it at all. Now it seems our Congressional representatives in Washington suffer from numerous types of psychiatric disorder, possibly ranging from adjustment disorder to borderline intellectual functioning, grandiose delusions, etc.: Rewind. Start over.